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At, we are proud to be connecting people with top rehab centers across the country. Studies show that people completing full courses of inpatient treatment are statistically far more likely to succeed than those who forego long-term care. So explore 60 day, and 90 day programs in addition to those lasting 28-30 days. Our growing network of top tier alcohol and drug rehabs, including executive treatment and luxury rehabilitation options, allows you to find help close to home, or as far away as you'd like for a clean break.

Searching for addiction rehabilitation centers for you or your loved one is as easy as clicking on a state.

Learn About Treatment Types

There are various treatment methods used, usually in conjunction with one another, during the recovery process. Treatment programmes will differ for each individual and will be tailored to suit their unique needs and situations. The most effective types of treatment programmes ensure that individuals in recovery are actively involved every step of the way.